Thursday 2 September 2010

School Holidays and failed blogging!

Failed with posts recently. The holiday in Cornwall was lovely - not as much sketching done as I would have liked, but a few ideas flowing.

Have opened my box from Dionne Swift but being at home and the school holidays there always seems something else to do! Frustrating - however from next week I need to get back into a routine and be disciplined.

This was bound to be challenging after studying for a few years and being in a creative environment, so now it is vital to get organised and create that space and time for myself.


  1. Not failed - you have a had a well deserved break - don't be so hard on yourself. Looking forward to seeing you over the HOST weekends :) xx

  2. thank you friend x really looking forward to HOST also x

  3. your work is online here: and getting a mention on twitter this evening (I've added a postscript to my blog so you can see it)
