Monday 15 November 2010


I apologise to anyone who follows me and occasionally drops by to see what I am up to. I appear to be failing with posts and the reason is that I haven't done anything creative for some time now. I don't think I allowed myself a rest after finishing the degree and have gone straight into working.

So positive thinking is required and I need to set myself time (even if its 2 hours a week) to be creative for myself. I have said it before, you do need to be organised and resist the temptation to do other things - this is the problem with having a studio at home. So looking forward, and I doubt it will happen this week due to being busy, but time needs to be "given" to myself to re-start my design work

Bradford College have asked me to submit some pieces to be exhibited at the Knit & Stitch in Harrogate, so hopefully this is the kick up the backside I need!

See you soon and I hope you will be back.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you back! It's a struggle to get going again on your own steam without the pressure of deadlines and assessments. It's something I'm still struggling with 6 months on from uni.
