Friday 18 June 2010

Degree Show Preview Evening

Thank you to all my family and friends who came last night and supported me (and everyone else). It was a lovely evening and I met lots of new people as well. It was very busy and I didn't get a chance to look around the rest of the show but I will next week.

Textiles and HNC were together in the studio and it co-ordinated extremely well - some wonderful work.

The show is up for another week until we take down the items picked to go to New Designers, it will be interesting to see what does get picked and I guess it is a hard task for the tutors deciding what will coordinate best in our space in London. Another exciting week.

Thank you again.


  1. You had a lovely show and had obviulsy worked very hard. Hope you feel proud of what you have produced - you should.

    Good luck ay New Designers - so sorry I can't be there to support you after all the times you have supported me - but will be thinking of you xxxx

  2. Well Done Carol. I very much love your work. :)
