Sunday 17 January 2010

Re-Make Project Complete

Well I did it - with a little help with Sylvia in the Fashion/Textile workshop and a few fashion students! They were a great help the days my tutor Hannah wasnt in.
It was certainly a challenge taking apart a man's shirt and making it into a womans, I now have great respect for all those shirt makers out there!
The interesting thing was not to be defeated really, there is always someone you can ask (or google for that matter!). Problems like the collar shrinking due to printing the fabric! Little things can appear very challenging until you ask for advice and someone shows you how to do it and it wasnt so difficult after all.
I am really pleased with the shirt and the attached apron as it fits in with my Shreds of Evidence project.
Finished photo here. It is actually too big for my daughter so she wasnt comfortable wearing it so I will post another photo soon showing it off better really. The stained cuffs represent the ink stains of the job working within a print environment, the back of the shirt is still unprinted as I wanted to show the back "clean" and the front as the working part of the shirt.

1 comment:

  1. hi there, well done with the shirt - sounds like a feat!!!

    Just wanted to say thank you for supportive and kind comment on my blog! It's been going round my mind to write about it, and what to write and finally it's out! It's nice to know people support, encourage and understand. And to get a comment from Penelope Trunk herself . . . it caught me off guard a bit, but very interesting to know that people are reading!

    I was going to email you, but couldn't find an email address in your profile!! So here it is in the comments.

    Good luck with your continued work.

